Jason L Miles - Software Architect
Professional Software done Professionally by a Professional


Custom Enterprise Solutions


Intranets, Reporting

Custom Enterprise Solutions

An enterprise solution runs the core of your business and often involves several custom systems and websites interacting with each other and with other systems. From the interface your employees use, to the shipping department, to accounting, to the customer view, and executive reporting, an enterprise solution will match your business processes exactly and allow the maximum levels of efficiency, while also being flexible enough to allow constant innovation.

I have designed and coded solutions for companies ranging from 20 employees to 500 employees. The larger systems require more investment and a small developer team to support, where some of the smaller systems can be supported by one part-time developer.

As an Enterprise Architect, I can consult and lead you through every step of this process:
  • determining scope
  • requirements gathering
  • assembling a team
  • writing specifications
  • creating prototypes
  • system design
  • coding
  • unit, integration, and performance/load testing
  • user acceptance
  • user training
  • legacy system conversion
  • deployment!
Following a successful deployment, rapid coding continues to add features that were not high-priority enough or cost-effective for the initial release.



The most popular of sites, this is where your products are listed for sale online. Basic inventory management, shopping cart, and purchase transactions can often be handled by other solutions, but if you need something custom for your customers, or specific to your business, that's where I come in.

My systems often have credit card processing, PayPal, inventory updates with a custom back-end, and extra features for customers that make your site easier or better to use.

Content Management System

If the site is mostly informational and needs to be updated frequently, but you don't have a webmaster, then a CMS is a great solution. It's easy to install, easy to update by business users with only minor training, and can even be extended to support custom programming.

There are many existing CMS solutions out there to choose from, and I also have my own state-of-the-art CMS, built from scratch to be faster, easier to use, and more flexible than the rest.

Custom Solutions

Need something very specific to your business? A mix of the solutions above? A fully customized solution is something I can deliver. They are often more expensive to design and develop; however, the efficiencies and sales gained from having a fine-tuned site result in long-term gains.

Intranets, Reporting

Throughout my career I have developed many internal websites for sharing information, managing internal resources (employees, documents, processes), and integrating with other internal and external systems.

This is my hardest work to share because it can't be accessed externally. These systems often use single-sign-on via Active Directory or another LDAP source. Permissions are configurable or determined by directory groups that the user is a member of.

In addition to homegrown Intranet solutions, I have also deployed SharePoint Server solutions, SQL Reporting Services, and data warehouses.

Database Design


Services Available

SQL Server Versions and Products


Database Servers
  • Microsoft SQL Server (Expert)
  • MySQL
  • IBM DB2 (AS400)
  • Oracle
Database Types
  • Transactional
  • Reporting
  • Data Warehouse
  • e-Commerce / Shopping
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Content Management Systems
  • Financial
  • Legal & Government

Services Available

Database Design

I can gather requirements and build your database from scratch, or work with your staff to perfect an existing design. Feel confident in your solution but need an expert to verify - I'll be happy to review it and identify any areas that may not be in line with best practices.

Existing Systems Review

Database growing too fast? Poor performance? Not meeting your needs? Application developers and DBAs pointing fingers? I can, and have, reviewed production systems for:

  • performance considerations
  • proper database design
  • efficient data type choices
  • appropriate network and disk traffic
  • maintenance and recovery plans
  • and best practices for interacting with the application layer
Reporting Solutions

SQL Server Reporting Services, Telerik Reports, Crystal Reports
Data staging / ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load)
Auditing transactions in computer time and real time

Data Warehouse

Data-marts, consolidated reporting of all company systems

SQL Server Versions and Products

  • 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019
  • Integration Services (SSIS)
  • Analysis Services (SSAS)
  • Reporting Services (SSRS)
  • SQLXML, Service Broker
  • Mirroring, Failover Clustering

Mobile Apps & Websites

Mobile Websites

Mobile Applications


iOS, Blackberry

Mobile Websites

HTML5 and CSS3, along with responsive design have made mobile versions of websites easier to develop and more powerful than ever. Some businesses even design "mobile-first", and do the desktop version afterward.

A mobile-optimized website will work on nearly all smartphones, and you only need to develop one. Compare this to mobile apps, where each platform needs its own version developed. Or for the broadest reach, develop for the major mobile providers and back it up with a mobile website too.

I am current in the latest technologies and strategies, and instead of forcing your site into the mold I prefer, can evaluate the situation and do the work that's best for your site and your business.

Mobile Applications

Although mobile versions of websites are becoming more powerful, there are still some things only a native mobile application can do. Graphics-intensive applications (e.g. Angry Birds), GPS applications, and background applications are all good options for a mobile application.


I have been working with the Android platform since version 2. One of the apps was a GPS tracker and used for medical personnel dispatching. Another provides election information to users, including candidate information, finding a polling place, and live results on election day.

For design, I can do it myself, but most customers prefer to have a graphic artists or their marketing team come up with the design that I then convert into a full-fledged application.

iOS, Blackberry

iOS (iPhone, iPad)

I do not develop these myself; however, I work with an excellent developer to provide these for my customers. All of the information gathered for the Android app will be passed on to the iOS developer, and the back-end services that the phone applications use will work for both platforms.


Once upon a time these phones had significant market share, and I have developed applications for them. If you work in a field that requires them, I can provide you a solution.



Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

Co-Location / Hosting Facility

Cloud Services


The "cloud" term is overused and can refer to several different scenarios. But they all share in common that the networking, software, or website services are being provided at a location not owned by your company. If you're a small business that can't afford onsite IT, or a true server room, or needs redundancy, then cloud services may be right for you.

Here are the three types that I work with most often: virtual private servers, co-location, and cloud services.

Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

For solutions that can run on a single server and don't need redundancy, VPS is a great low-cost solution. The server runs in their environment, there are no licensing costs, and they usually have redundanct internet connections for high availability. There are many providers, GoDaddy being a decent one.

I currently support several VPS solutions, and also use it for my test server

Co-Location / Hosting Facility

For more complex solutions requiring multiple servers, firewalls, and/or switches, hosting facilities provide a rack for all your servers and provide a secure locatoin, cooling, power, and internet. You pay based on how many racks are needed, and how much internet bandwidth. Hardware cost, licensing, and configuration are all handled by your IT. It's preferable to have the facility close to your IT guy; there are lots of them in Phoenix and Las Vegas, so that works well if I am your IT support.

The facilities typically have high-availability internet and power backup; however, all of your equipment is still in one location. A natural disaster or hardware failure can take the system down.

Cloud Services

There are not any hardware or licensing costs with most of these, and they can provide any sort of network, office, or software solution. What makes a cloud solution "true" for me is that it offers scalability and geographic redundancy. For a cost, you can pay to have your system copied in real-time to servers on other continents. If you serve customers around the world, they will get faster results from a system closer to them.

If your traffic/demand varies greatly from one day/hour to the next, rather than buying a server powerful enough to handle the high demand times which is then wasted during low-demand times, with cloud scalability you can only pay for what is needed. Resources will increase/decrease with demand. Most applications have to be changed, or designed, with this scalability in mind, and that is something I can do.

Amazon Services, Google, and Microsoft Azure are the big cloud service providers. I am very familiar with creating solutions to run on Microsoft Azure.

About Jason



Certifications / Training

Contact Information


I wrote my first computer program when I was eight years old on a 64K Tandy Color Computer. Later in high school, I wrote a 3D modeler for my graphing calculator that would render a F/A 117 stealth fighter from any angle.

At the University of Arizona I majored in Systems and Industrial Engineering, and learning Pascal there was where my true love for software started.

From 1997 to 2007, I have held positions at Lucent Technologies, the Arizona Department of Economic Security, and Take Charge America. Working with teams large and small, my last position at TCA was Director of Software Architecture. I designed a full system for them including accounting, payment processing, customer management, call center functions, mailroom printing, and funds disbursement.

Since 2007 I have completed many interesting projects for businesses small and large as an independent contractor. Custom Content Management Systems, Intranets, eCommerce, Business-to-Business sites, Websites to interact with customers, and native mobile applications have been developed, delivered, and maintained over the years.

Certifications / Training

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (.NET)
Microsoft Certified IT Professional (SQL)
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (.NET & SQL)

Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL - personal instruction from the author, Richard Snodgrass

Consultation with Joe Celko, author of SQL for Smarties, on database design methodologies and practical application